Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 5, 2019

What is cybersecurity?

BY An Viet Le IN , , , No comments

We depend on technology heavily, which also translates to a rise in online hackers. The bigger the corporation is, the higher the risk of cyber attacks. This is when cybersecurity comes into the picture.
What is cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is the condition of being guarded against criminal and illegal activities that comprise of activities related to computer, information technology, and virtual reality. It also means the measures taken to acquire this condition. One must know the risks, threats, and consequences of cyber attacks.

- Who are the attackers: The attacker could be an external source like a hacker who gets into the system and steals files. The imposter could even be someone from the company itself, like an employee who has an access to confidential information.

- How are the attacks carried out: The attackers through viruses or botnets invade systems. It is even done by using a USB drive or clicking on an unknown link.

- When is the attack carried out: Cyber attacks mostly occur when your systems or the internal staff are vulnerable. There is no specific vulnerability and the attack can occur at any time.

- Which area is hit: Cyberspace is a limitless stretch so the attack can occur in any area.

- Why do these attacks occur: The external agents strike to leak or held captive crucial company data for earning ransom. And the internal sources like the employees do it for competitors in exchange for money. Some even do it as a revenge due to past unpleasant experiences.

- How to tackle cyber attacks: There are three ways of securing your website:

1) SSL Certificate: This certificate validates your website's identity and encrypts the information visitors send or receive from your site.
2) CodeGuard: It is a service that does an automatic backup of your website.
3) SiteLock: It scans your website for any threat and when it is detected, it works effectively to repair it. Also, you would be instantly notified about any attack.

Source : Quora - Jenny Webber, Web hosting expert

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